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What Our Clients Say About Us.

What Our Customers Have to Say Penguin Numerous services, such as SEO writing, ghostwriting, book publishing, and video book trailers, are offered to clients by GhostWriting.

Amazing results and excellent service Working on my fiction piece with them was a great experience. From the book's topic until its release, everything was on point.

John Stock

I'm appreciative to my friend for recommending Penguin Random Book House to me. Their knowledgeable staff took the time to understand the concept and paid special attention to detail when producing my book.

Austin White

I'm quite happy with how my Wikipedia entry was updated. My Wikipedia page has suffered since my manager left, but Penguin Random Book House did a great job of sprucing it up. My consultant Grace is a lovely woman who runs everything with professionalism. I'm grateful.

Thomas Walder

Brands Served by Our
Ghostwriting Agency.

A hundred percent original and compelling. Your projects are taken to the next level by Penguin Random Book House.

100% Original, 100% Compelling.
Penguin Random Book House Take Your Projects to The Next Level.